David Wright

Stevenson Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Vanderbilt University


Previous Appointments
Professor                                          2013-Present          Vanderbilt University
Associate Professor                         2005-2013              Vanderbilt University
Assistant Professor                           2001-2005              Vanderbilt University
Assistant Professor                           1997-2001              Duquesne University
Adjunct Professor                            1996-1997              Boston College
Imperial Chemical Company           1988                   Wilton England

Boston College                                                                               
Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994-1997 on “Novel Methods to Probe the Self-Assembly of Mn-oxo Aggregates” under Professor William H. Armstrong.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology                                             
Ph.D. degree in Bioinorganic Chemistry, December, 1993 on the "Aspects of the Structure and Function of the Enzyme Nitrogenase" under Professor W. H. Orme-Johnson. 

Tulane University                                                                   
B. S. degree in Chemistry, Magna cum Laude.  June 1988.
B. A. degree in Classical Languages and Ancient History, Magna cum Laude.  June 1988

Honors and Awards

AAAS Fellow 2014

Kavli Foundation Fellow 2011

National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2001

Best Technical Presentation (Poster, Fall Mtg.) Materials Research Society 1999

Presidential Scholarship Award, Duquesne University 1999

National Foundation for Infectious Diseases-Young Investigator 1998

Phi Beta Kappa (Tulane University) 1988